
Cardiff University is now an Opening the Future member at both CEU Press and Liverpool University Press

CEU Press and Liverpool University Press (LUP) are pleased to announce that the library at Cardiff University is now a member of the Opening the Future (OtF) programmes at both publishers. Staff and students at Cardiff have access to 100 eBooks at CEU Press on the history of the Central and Eastern European region, culture, and politics. And at LUP they can now access the Modern Languages [...]

"Beyond the BPC: Making Open Access Book Publishing Fair, Sustainable and Equitable"

ATG Special Report — Beyond the BPC: Making Open Access Book Publishing Fair, Sustainable and Equitable"At the Charleston 2022 conference, we saw books catching up with journals with a showcase of new business models designed to transition long-form publishing to OA.  Now, with an increasing number of OA mandates for monographs and book chapters, the goal is to find a model, or several [...]

University of Washington becomes new Opening the Future member at CEU Press and Liverpool University Press

CEU Press and Liverpool University Press (LUP) are pleased to announce that the library at the University of Washington is a new member of the Opening the Future (OtF) programmes at both publishers. The U of Washington library has chosen to sign up to: At CEU Press: the Library Selection Package, which contains 50 eBooks selected by an independent panel of [...]

University of Washington becomes new Opening the Future member at Liverpool University Press and CEU Press

Liverpool University Press (LUP) and CEU Press are pleased to announce that the library at the University of Washington is a new member of the Opening the Future (OtF) programmes at both publishers. The U of Washington library has chosen to sign up to: At LUP: the Modern Languages Package which contains 37 eBooks on 'Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures' and [...]

Library at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen joins Opening the Future

CEU Press is pleased to announce that the Library at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (Institute for Human Sciences) in Vienna is one of the latest to subscribe to our Opening the Future collective funding programme. Founded as a place of encounter in 1982 by a young Polish philosopher and two German colleagues in neutral Austria, the Institute’s initial mission was to create a [...]

How can I persuade my institution to support collective funding for open access books? (Part One)

The first of a two-part blog post in which our colleagues at COPIM lay out the problems with BPCs (Book Processing Charges) and disentangle the various alternatives; in Part Two they outline practical steps to convince budget holders to invest in collective models instead."As part of our work at COPIM, we speak to a lot of librarians. Many are personally convinced of the need to support [...]

How can I persuade my institution to support collective funding for open access books? (Part One)

The first of a two-part blog post in which our colleagues at COPIM lay out the problems with BPCs (Book Processing Charges) and disentangle the various alternatives; in Part Two they outline practical steps to convince budget holders to invest in collective models instead."As part of our work at COPIM, we speak to a lot of librarians. Many are personally convinced of the need to support [...]

Central Library of Zürich joins Opening the Future at CEU Press

Central European University (CEU) Press is pleased to announce that the Central Library of Zürich / Zentralbibliothek Zürich is the latest to subscribe to our Opening the Future collective funding programme. Zentralbibliothek Zürich has signed up for the ‘OA Supporter Membership’ package. Some libraries may not need one of our backlist book packages but they still wish to access the future [...]

CEU Press announces release of 10th OA title funded by Opening the Future

Central European University (CEU) Press is pleased to announce the publication of another open access book that has been funded entirely by library members of the Opening the Future (OtF) programme. Available now, the OA book can be freely downloaded and read online, and can also be bought in print. Rolling Transition and the Role of Intellectuals: The Case of Hungary, András Bozóki. [...]

University of Birmingham becomes new Opening the Future member at CEU Press and Liverpool University Press

CEU Press and Liverpool University Press (LUP) are pleased to announce that the library at the University of Birmingham is a new member of the Opening the Future (OtF) programmes at both publishers. Birmingham has chosen to sign up to: At CEU Press: the Library Selection Package, which contains 50 eBooks selected by an independent panel of librarians on the history [...]