CEU Press are pleased to announce that the Max Planck Society is a new subscribing member to their Opening the Future programme.The library at the Max Planck Society has boosted their local collection by subscribing to the History and Political Science Packages. This means that staff and students now have unlimited and concurrent access to 100 different eBooks on subjects including Central [...]
CEU Press are pleased to announce that Queen’s University Belfast is a new subscribing member to their Opening the Future programme.The library at Queen’s University Belfast has decided to support the press’ OA commitment by selecting an OA Supporter package without backlist access. As with all Opening the Future members, their membership fees are funding new frontlist titles in OA format so [...]
Liverpool University Press Press are pleased to announce that Queen’s University Belfast is a new subscribing member to their Opening the Future programme.The library has boosted their local collection by subscribing to the Modern Languages package. This means that staff and students now have unlimited and concurrent access to 37 different eBooks on subjects including: Hispanic and lusophone [...]
CEU Press are pleased to announce that Vancouver Island University is a new subscribing member to their Opening the Future programme.The library at Vancouver Island University has boosted their local collection by subscribing to the East Meets West package. This means that staff and students now have unlimited and concurrent access to 50 different eBooks on subjects including The [...]
CEU Press are pleased to announce that the University of Pennsylvania has renewed their initial three year membership of their Opening the Future programme.The library has continued to boost their local collection by subscribing to the Library Selection package on top of their original subscription to the History Package. This means that staff and students now have unlimited and concurrent [...]
CEU Press are pleased to announce that Edge Hill University and KU Leuven have both renewed their initial three year memberships of their Opening the Future programme.The library at Edge Hill University has continued to boost its local collection by subscribing to the Political Science Package on top of their original subscription to the History Package. This means that staff and students [...]
CEU Press are pleased to announce that East Carolina University is a new subscribing member to their Opening the Future programme.The library at East Carolina University has boosted their local collection by subscribing to the History, Political Science, and East Meets West packages. This means that staff and students now have unlimited and concurrent access to many different eBooks on [...]
CEU Press are pleased to announce that the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities is a new subscribing member to their Opening the Future programme.The library at The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities has boosted their local collection by subscribing to History, Political Science, and East Meets West packages. This means that staff and students now have unlimited and concurrent access to [...]
CEU Press are pleased to announce that Johns Hopkins University has renewed their membership subscription to their Opening the Future programme.The library at Johns Hopkins University has boosted their local collection by subscribing to the History Package, Political Science Package, and East Meets West Package. This means that staff and students now have unlimited and concurrent access to [...]
Central European University (CEU) Press is pleased to announce the publication of three new open access books funded entirely by library members of the Opening the Future (OtF) programme. Available now, our new OA books can be freely downloaded and read online, and can also be bought in print.Escaping Kakania - Eastern European Travels in Colonial Southeast Asia, by Jan MrázekEscaping [...]